Traveling soon? Here’s 7 Travel Geeks-approved tips to get you started

With the world opening up, we’re seeing more planes taking off into the sky and the opportunity for some fun, international exploration seems to be back in full swing. So, if you’ve got plans lined up, we’ve compiled a list of recommendations that’ll make your trip stress-free.

Before deciding what destination to go to, map out your financial journey to actually getting there.

Starting a solid savings plan months before your trip allows you to truly make the most out of your experience. And it doesn’t have to be a huge amount! Cross check where you want to go, what you want to do, and who you’re going with. Will you be traveling alone? With friends or family? How many days do you think you’ll be staying? Are you opting for a more opulent and luxurious itinerary or a budget-friendly trip spent with the locals and exploring the country’s hidden gems?
From there on out, take a look at your finances. What are luxuries you can reduce or cut out? Maybe it’s ordering in a lot or those late-night Shopee-budols. Having your intentions aligned with your savings makes the entire trip more worry, hassle-free, and overall fun, without leaving you sweating and nervous to check your bank account once you get back from your vacay.

Get sleep the day before traveling!

We get it. You’re excited, maybe anxious, and adrenaline seems to be keeping you up into the wee hours of the night. However, remember, you planned for this! Getting some well-deserved shuteye before a flight will make all the difference between being frazzled, hot-headed, and coffee-fueled and being a cool, calm, collected traveler.
So, double check your documents the afternoon before, weigh all your luggage, and double check your hand carries. Afterwards? Spend the hours before your flight relaxing, unwinding, and getting some sleep in. Start your vacation right by waking up on the *right* side of bed.

The early bird gets the worm (and stresses a lot less at the airport)

We’ve seen all those memes about *those* people who show up at the airport hours and hours before their flight and while sure, we agree that arriving 6-hours before your flight is excessive, you can’t deny the peace of mind that comes with being an early bird. Long check-in lines? No problem. Forgot a charger or some toothpaste? Leisurely shop around for a bit. Overweight baggage? You’ve got a few hours to figure it out, no sweat. At the end of the day, the moments when we regret being early to the airport are few and far between.

Know the protocol of your take-off and landing destinations

Nothing brings a trip to a screeching halt than finding out that you’re missing a specific document required by your destination country. With the onset of COVID-19 and the implementation and lifting of certain travel restrictions, double checking what protocols are being implemented will allow you to plan accordingly.
Are masks mandatory? How recent should your COVID-19 test results be? Is there a quarantine period and if yes, how long? Do individual establishments have certain health restrictions or documents they require from visitors? These are a few essential questions that should be answered *before* your flight.

Airplane routines are a thing. Plan one!

When it comes to airplanes, the air can get dry, the food is a hit or miss, and you never know whether the conditions will be conducive to sleep or not.
To make the ride less of a pain, pack a few essentials that’ll tide you over until landing. Load up your devices with shows and movies you’ve been wanting to watch, pack snacks, ear plugs, or sound proof headphones. Eat something salty and drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration. Heck, even do your skin care!

Have a backup plan!

This applies to all aspects of your travel. In case of a canceled flight, it never hurts to be aware of what other planes are taking off bound for your destination. Dinner reservations at that popular local-restaurant didn’t work out? Have a list of places that accept diners on short-notice. Did a rainy day ruin your outdoor tour escapade? Check out nearby museums, historical sites, and other indoor venues that’ll still allow you to get the tourist experience you deserve. Or if you’re coordinating with a travel and tours agency (*wink wink*), make sure to ask your agent for contingency plans and backup itineraries.

Stay safe, vigilant, and keep your guard up

Now being vigilant doesn’t mean a lack of variety! By all means, veering off your itinerary for some spontaneous exploration never hurt anyone. However, when traveling, especially when done alone or in small groups of two or three, trusting your gut and simply being aware of your surroundings can make all the difference between a fun afternoon and a stolen phone or wallet.
Walking around and something feels off? Or perhaps a location you’ve gone too seems sketchy? Again, listen to your instincts. You’re allowed to change your mind about an activity and say no. Making your location and handing your friends and family a copy of your itinerary while you’re away will also benefit not only your peace of mind, but probably theirs as well.
We’re certain that there are plenty of travel tips out there waiting to be shared and picked up. Think we missed anything? Let us know! You never know which voyager out there could benefit from your advice. Safe skies and safe travels everyone!